Act Sing Dance Drama- Musical Theatre

Be part of something special. Interactive theatre & performing arts for kids, devised by Jan Graveson (London) is a unique and exciting journey with a difference. Kids will acquire valuable stage skills, discover self-awareness and grow as they explore the mediums of acting, singing, dance, movement, drama and musical theatre over 3 month advancing courses. 
Presented in a wonderful array of exciting games, challenges and improvising, this distinctive course highlights stage principles and techniques equipping kids with professional skill training of distinction. Students will be invited to perform regularly in stage performances, presentations and shows. Unique, rewarding and fantastic fun!

Ages 7-14 years

Starts Friday, October 11th 
4:30 - 6:15 pm

At: Daughters Of St Paul, Wakefield Road, Bandra.


Let them tap into their abundant flow!

Tap dancing is an exciting and vibrant, creative and rhythmical dance form that all kids simply love! With these exclusive and innovative classes hosted by Jan Graveson (London - British & English Tap Dancing Champion), your kids are promised an exciting and engaging journey! 
Training comprises of first steps, step structuring, balance, rhythm, timing and sequence, all to be gradually explored through the creative mediums of song & dance, stage dance and musical theatre. Students will gain confidence, self-awareness, poise, focus and fitness, plus experience the importance of teamwork and synchronicity.  Furthermore, tapping in our regular presentations and shows, assures a healthy development of performing confidence. 

Ages 7-14 years

Class duration: 1 hour
Starting Friday, October 11th
6:30 - 7:30pm

Location: Daughters Of St Paul, Waterfield Road, Bandra


A fun two-hour workshops for all ages

An exploration into the inspiring and inventive art of singing and storytelling. We devise a theme and write a song around it! The song is then performed to parents and invited guests. 
This is an interactive session that is organic, highly creative and enjoyable. The feeling of creating something unique and achieving performance of that is in itself the essence of developing confidence. The benefits for those taking part arise from teamwork, collaboration, creativity and imagination and the process and journey is super fun! Contact us to arrange this workshop for your kids party or social gathering. All ages!

Ages 4-7yrs / 8-13yrs / 14-18yrs / Adults
