At The Jeff Goldberg Studio


Adults - Ages 23-35 (though we can also cater to 18+ is students want to join)

This three-month course is seasoned with Musical Theatre principles, allowing students to experience the most expressive, impressive ‘live’ art form known to man. Each course will culminate in a live presentation and/or performance show. Students completing the beginners 1 course will be equipped to follow the next. We welcome beginners, slightly experienced people and actors.
Dialogue, blocking, staging & direction, delivery, lyrics, music, expression, body language, improvisation, the voice, the face, building a character, incorporating dialogue and the sung word and crucial techniques to engage your audience, are just some of the areas covered.

Aim: To offer students a detailed and concise insight into the many aspects of performing on a stage or platform using the three performing disciplines of theatre: acting, singing, movement and dance. Students explore the potent and precious art of combining the disciplines of acting and singing together, live, on stage. There will be a separate Tap class to this course that we encourage students to also take. The class comes half price for students of Musical Theatre. 
Students will be guided, challenged and inspired and above all, work in team to present imaginative and original live performances, presentations and shows regularly - this being the most inventive, creative part of all. Self-awareness, presentation and projection will be heightened and strengthened. Confidence and aptitude will be guided to a professional level.

PERFORMING SHOWCASE:  At the end of the three-month course there will be a showcase. This event will permit each participant to perform to a selection of invited guests. This enables students to experience the traditions, methods, and procedures of staging a musical production from start to finale. It doesn’t get any better than this!